Friday, August 28, 2015

First Posting

This will be my first post.  If I ever get the flaming thing set up properly.  I added a really nice picture of myself in case you forgot who I was.  It's way too big but I haven't figured out yet how to make it smaller.  Or, for that matter, how to delete it altogether.

Next year I will be 75.  June 1, 2016.  Becoming three-fourths of a century old is significant, at least to me.  People in their 80's may disagree.  I decided to celebrate by having more than the usual adventures in 2016.  I'm a big believer in adventures.  I hope to have some doozies.

My current adventure is learning how to take macro photographs well.  I bought a terrific $30 lens that fits onto my inexpensive point-and-shoot camera.  You would not believe what a beautiful new world I see:  the beauty of tiny mushrooms, the cuddly head of a hornworm caterpillar, or the seafoam colors of a slug moth caterpillar.

As I travel now and next year I hope to tell you something exciting -- or at least mildly interesting -- and post some photos.  The practice of writing will do my brain good.  If you have anything to tell me, leave a comment (below).  If you know how to reduce the size of my picture, please please let me know.